I have a dear friend who does crop insurance. She is telling me her farmers are calling with multiple failures. First from the wicked hail that proceeded this storm and second from the four inches of rain that have fallen. I am trying not to think about it so I have been perusing Mini Farming (Brett Markham), The Backyard Homestead(Storey Publishing), and Cultivating Life(Sean Conway).
As I result I huddled into the garage to build this bamboo trellis:
I think it will look great covered in sweet peas and morning glories. I also have dreams of rain barrels and clothes lines dancing in my head. I should probably just head down to sew the wedding gift and baby gift that I am behind on but I need to get my craft room back in order from the furnace replacement. Somehow gloomy basement work is even less appealing today than it normally is. What do you like to do on a rainy day?
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